The 8th of September 2019 was the day in which The First Memorial Edmondo Nulli was held in Rome. The event was organized by S.S. Lazio Ciclismo with the support of Federazione Ciclistica Italiana, CONI, Città di Fiumicino and Comitato Regionale Lazio, and the participation of young athletes of Esordienti and Allievi categories on the Cyclists Regional League.
The occasion was the celebration of the Fausto Coppi legend for the 100th Death Anniversary. Going over the Fausto Coppi cyclist, the focus was the talent of Edmondo Nulli, the constructor of the Nulli bike that supported Coppi to become a Champion. After the Second World War, Coppi started biking again with the S.S. Lazio Ciclismo and the Nulli bike. It was the beginning of the legend of Fausto Coppi il Campionissimo.
This Memorial to involve the young athletes and promote the sport and Cyclism through the legend of a Champion as an example of high-level sport, fair play, virtuous competition, right winning commitment. On this contest, the Project IMPACT has been presented to promote a clean sport too, mostly between the young athletes.